Return Policy

Return Policy

If you change your mind about a product, we will exchange or return any unworn or unused item returned in its original condition, with tags and labels intact, within 5 days of receiving the product. Please write to us at For returns, once verified, the amount will be refunded to the original mode of payment within one 7 business days of initiation.

Please refer carefully to our sizing guide before placing an order. If you need any further help or assistance in sizing or other aspects of your purchase, please reach out at

Please bear in mind that the cost of return should be born by the customer. In case a return is initiated, the responsibility of safe delivery of the shipment to Plains lies solely with the customer. We do not take any responsibility for lost returns initiated by the customer.

Please note that we cannot guarantee the availability of a desired product at the time of an exchange. If the returned product satisfies all criteria for exchange but desired product is unavailable, we are happy to offer you a credit note valid for one year from the date of issue. The credit note cannot be clubbed with any other ongoing offer or sale.

Note that products on sale cannot be returned. Plains also reserves the right to reject any return, incase the returned product is delivered as damaged or tags are broken.